Archive for October, 2020

Let The Wave Meet The Shore: Holding Safe Space

Friday, October 30th, 2020

Summary: This call provides a safe space for you to get conscious support for your life and optionally address whatever may be most pressing for you.

In ‘Letting The Wave Meet The Shore’ sessions, participants are provided with a safe space to catch up with themselves, listen, feel, receive the benefit of the presence of the event, and – if they wish – share about a challenge or blockage they wish to address or release.

It is a participant-led event, in the sense that there isn’t a planned agenda of topics or teachings – it is purely a space for people to raise matters that are most important to them right now.

This allows for the optimum, most efficient and most effective benefit to you, with any relevant insights, wisdom, tools or clearings offered by the host, James Blacker, the Founder of Kissing Consciousness.

To understand more about what we mean by ‘clearings’ and ‘letting things go’ you can visit:

This ‘almost-weekly’ online call is run four times a month on the 1st Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Wednesday and 4th Thursday of every month. The calls last for approximately 90 minutes.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

Strength for Life

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

At the time when I interviewed David for this audio on ageing and strength for life, in 2002, he had just completed a thousand kilometre challenge cycling around Vietnam in temperatures of 90 degrees and 90% humidity; a fearsome challenge for anyone made more remarkable by the fact that David was 62 at the time.

Here, the trainer of elite athletes and Founder of the National Rehabilitation Centre for the Paralysed shares his unique insights to help us avoid the artificial barriers and false limitations society conditions us into.

With a philosophy rooted strongly in the practice of listening to the body, David explains to us how we can optimize our lifespan and approach ageing from an informed and empowered point of view, giving examples and insights he has come across, from Inuits in the Arctic to tribes people in Borneo.

Track List

  1. Dikoul’s Decree
  2. Working with muscles
  3. Health and fitness
  4. The regaining of function
  5. A great experience
  6. Removing the artificial barriers
  7. How we see exercise
  8. Hearing the body
  9. It’s about being active
  10. The Metabolic Rate
  11. The Mental Approach
  12. Enjoying life
  13. Beliefs about aging
  14. Tribespeople in Borneo
  15. Institutionalised aging
  16. Re-defining life
  17. Quality of life
  18. Cardiovascular efficiency
  19. Doing something every day
  20. Respecting the rest period
  21. Avoiding muscle imbalance
  22. The activity of living
  23. Everyone can do it
  24. Core stability
  25. The Step reflex, genetic & in-built
  26. The Righting Reflex
  27. Re-awakening The Step Reflex
  28. Listening to the inner self
  29. Personal Rate of Perceived Exertion
  30. Processing the data available
  31. Ignore it, listen only to yourself
  32. Thank you to David Heard
  33. An introduction to Sportability

About David Heard

David Heard is a self-made businessman, a trainer of elite, international athletes, Founder of the former National Rehabilitation Centre for the Paralysed and Founder and Chief Executive of the British registered charity, Sportability, which provides adventurous activities for people who’s lives have been affected by paralysis.

David’s philosophy has always been to maximize whatever it is that people have, whether working with elite sportspeople on their performance, helping everyday individuals with their lives and happiness and success goals, or working with people affected by paralysis to regain function. His testimonials include those from Scottish International footballer, Pat Nevin, and former England Cricket Captain, Andrew Strauss.

“June is when the hard work put in during the Winter really starts counting. Fortunately our fitness trainers have done a fantastic job in the off season (I can vouch for that now!), and we are still playing consistently.” – Andy Strauss, as Captain Middlesex CCC

About James Blacker

James Blacker is a humanitarian and Integral Philosopher, and of course the Founder of Kissing Consciousness, and author of The Kissing Consciousness Handbook. He launched the Kissing Consciousness movement to help as many people as possible to work together, commune and co-support in releasing the blocks to their true self, and thus live their happiest and most fulfilled life possible.

In the realm of collective development and social and global issues, James is using his qualification in Spiral Dynamics to provide leadership and help co-create a world beyond system failure, so as to avoid – or mitigate – climate disaster, economic injustice and our other existential threats.

“Wow, what a wonderful book you’ve written. I’m truly impressed with the clarity and quality you’ve presented. You’re impacting the lives of an untold number of people. I applaud you!” – Peter Ragnar

Let The Wave Meet The Shore: Holding Safe Space

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Summary: This call provides a safe space for you to get conscious support for your life and optionally address whatever may be most pressing for you.

In ‘Letting The Wave Meet The Shore’ sessions, participants are provided with a safe space to catch up with themselves, listen, feel, receive the benefit of the presence of the event, and – if they wish – share about a challenge or blockage they wish to address or release.

It is a participant-led event, in the sense that there isn’t a planned agenda of topics or teachings – it is purely a space for people to raise matters that are most important to them right now.

This allows for the optimum, most efficient and most effective benefit to you, with any relevant insights, wisdom, tools or clearings offered by the host, James Blacker, the Founder of Kissing Consciousness.

To understand more about what we mean by ‘clearings’ and ‘letting things go’ you can visit:

This ‘almost-weekly’ online call is run four times a month on the 1st Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Wednesday and 4th Thursday of every month. The calls last for approximately 90 minutes.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

Harnessing The Ever-Available Faculty of Genius

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

This audio mp3 product is taken from Wisdom, The Course, and recorded with a student of the course.

If you are not already harnessing your own capacity for genius – and proactively so – an obvious question is “Why not?”

Quite likely you have been taught by your society that you don’t posses the capacity for genius, that it is something bestowed only on a rare few.

This is unhelpful information, however, and so by releasing those self-limiting beliefs you may be able to reclaim your own capacity for genius.

You may have also been incorrectly taught that the faculty of genius only applies to a certain few, narrow aspects of life, such as academia, art or sport. Actually, it relates to all areas of life, and to each and every moment.

In this audio, which is also the student support dialogue for Module Nineteen of Kissing Consciousness Founder, James Blacker’s, Online Wisdom Course, you will learn what genius is – and what it isn’t – and how to harness it for your own benefit.

About James Blacker

James Blacker is a humanitarian and Integral Philosopher, and of course the Founder of Kissing Consciousness, and author of The Kissing Consciousness Handbook. He launched the Kissing Consciousness movement to help as many people as possible to work together, commune and co-support in releasing the blocks to their true self, and thus live their happiest and most fulfilled life possible.

In the realm of collective development and social and global issues, James is using his qualification in Spiral Dynamics to provide leadership and help co-create a world beyond system failure, so as to avoid – or mitigate – climate disaster, economic injustice and our other existential threats.

A Grounding in the Basics of Kissing Consciousness

Saturday, October 17th, 2020

Summary: This online Zoom webinar will give you the basic structure and insights of Kissing Consciousness, presented by its Founder, James Blacker.

In this introductory online Zoom webinar, Kissing Consciousness Founder, James Blacker, will walk you through the basics of the Kissing Consciousness structures and insights, and a brief introduction to The Kissing Consciousness Tool for letting go of self-judgements and self-constrictions.

You will lean about different types of love, which can be harnessed as ‘the power of love’, the difference between Fear Consciousness and Love Consciousness, their characteristics, and how to move from the former to the latter.

The presentation will last for approximately 40 minutes, followed by a further 20 minute period for discussion and further audience questions.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

Choosing Christmas Beyond Obligation and Judgement

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Summary: An online Zoom video call event to invite the release of any judgements or beliefs necessary to allow you the Christmas of your choice.

There may be a million different ways in which the subconscious and semi-conscious beliefs we have about ourselves, about life and about Christmas influence the level of enjoyment – or otherwise – that we experience from the festive season.

Using the Kissing Consciousness Tool to release any such blocks from our consciousness and our body’s nervous system we can free up our conscious choice and free will of exactly how we do – or don’t – wish to experience Christmas.

We can also ‘call in’ more of the energies and feelings we’d like to have.

To get into the mood of the call you can start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What activities do you want to do at Christmas – and what do you not want to do?
  • How does Christmas make you feel, and how would you like it to make you feel?
  • Which people do you wish to spend it with and which, if you’re honest, would you rather not see?
  • What sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations do you want to experience at Christmas?

If you imagine the Christmas you’d like to have, is it the same as or different to the Christmas you experienced last year?

This is a fun event we can all share to commit to celebrating Christmas on our own terms.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

What Kissing Consciousness Can Do for Your Business, Career, Money

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Summary: A Zoom video class on how to use Kissing Consciousness tools to maximize yourself in business and beyond. With James Blacker & Lesley Jones.

Before we ever get to the whole range of mechanics of what work we do, the life decisions we make and what strategies we use to attempt to generate money, an entire invisible network of ‘Permissions’ that we hold about ourselves – or don’t hold – determines whether or not we allow ourselves to achieve – AND to what level.

Further than that, these invisible permissions determine whether we allow ourselves to enjoy the work that we do, whether we allow ourselves to keep ourselves fully healthy while we do it, and whether we’re allowed to make a difference, alongside thousands of other details.

Beyond that still is the ability we all have for enjoying the benefits of our superconscious genius; our instincts and intuition which come from a deeper place than our conscious intellect, but which are tapped into by a very rare few.

In the company of Business Mentor, Consultant and Speaker, Lesley Jones, of De-novo Consultants, Kissing Consciousness Founder, James Blacker, will expand on the above insights, and also offer tools and clearings during the call itself to release any blocks we may have to allowing ourselves to achieve the most that’s possible for us, with the maximum possible ease.

This workshop will ensure that you understand fully how the most relevant tool you have for your business, career and life – you – influences everything else that follows.

For those who aren’t in business, or don’t have a career, even, this class may still be invaluable. It may be that this dialogue helps you to develop an idea. And money is relevant to us all, regardless. There will be plenty of clearings around money.

Please note that these ‘Permissions’ don’t just exist in our psychology, but also in our body, in our nervous system, so if you approach the call prepared to allow shifts in your body the benefits will be more complete. A pad and pen may also be useful if you like taking notes.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

A Grounding in the Basics of Kissing Consciousness 2

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Summary: This online Zoom webinar will give you the basic structure and insights of Kissing Consciousness, presented by its Founder, James Blacker.

In this introductory online Zoom webinar, Kissing Consciousness Founder, James Blacker, will walk you through the basics of the Kissing Consciousness structures and insights, and a brief introduction to The Kissing Consciousness Tool for letting go of self-judgements and self-constrictions.

You will lean about different types of love, which can be harnessed as ‘the power of love’, the difference between Fear Consciousness and Love Consciousness, their characteristics, and how to move from the former to the latter.

The presentation will last for approximately 40 minutes, followed by a further 20 minute period for discussion and further audience questions.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

Let The Wave Meet The Shore: Holding Safe Space 2

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Summary: This call provides a safe space for you to get conscious support for your life and optionally address whatever may be most pressing for you.

In ‘Letting The Wave Meet The Shore’ sessions, participants are provided with a safe space to catch up with themselves, listen, feel, receive the benefit of the presence of the event, and – if they wish – share about a challenge or blockage they wish to address or release.

It is a participant-led event, in the sense that there isn’t a planned agenda of topics or teachings – it is purely a space for people to raise matters that are most important to them right now.

This allows for the optimum, most efficient and most effective benefit to you, with any relevant insights, wisdom, tools or clearings offered by the host, James Blacker, the Founder of Kissing Consciousness.

To understand more about what we mean by ‘clearings’ and ‘letting things go’ you can visit:

This ‘almost-weekly’ online call is run four times a month on the 1st Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Wednesday and 4th Thursday of every month. The calls last for approximately 90 minutes.

Participant Code of Conduct

There is one main requirement of attending a Kissing Consciousness event, which is that if participants don’t wish to be actively supportive of other participants, and of the host, they are at least of a neutral attitude towards them, both in energy and in behaviour.

It is essential that this is observed, because of course the environment needs to be a safe space for everyone.

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


Copyright Kissing Consciousness. All Rights Reserved.