Archive for June, 2021

Life Coaching Tip: Improving Your Odds of Avoiding Cancer and Other Diseases

Thursday, June 24th, 2021

Yesterday’s coaching tip that I shared was about the possibility that one in two of us getting cancer in our lifetime doesn’t have to be a reality for us, despite the fact that that’s what’s been predicted simply based on the past, and we can actually impact that and change that statistic and turn it around.

So this coaching tip will have to look at the ‘how’, or we’re going to start to look at the ‘how’, because there’s hundreds of things that we can do that I would suggest relate to cancer, and the first thing is to understand that cancer and heart disease are degenerative diseases. We don’t really die of infectious diseases like influenza and tuberculosis anymore, certainly not in the Western World.

So then we have to look at why are one in two of us getting cancer? And this is really about the assault on our cells. And it’s also about why I mention Neoliberal economics, the global model that we’ve been living under for the past 40 years, because that is sociopathic by design, as I’ve mentioned. It doesn’t really take into account people or planet, as you might have noticed we’re destroying the planet. It’s purely concerned with shareholders. What that’s meant is that there hasn’t been effective regulation to care properly about you; you and I, and the kind of things we’re consuming.

In 2002, I was with Dr Myron Wentz, the founder of Sanoviv Medical Institute, and he was sharing statistics on how food is the primary cause of cancer, followed second by smoking, and of course all those who smoke are probably eating the same diet that the rest of us are eating – modern diet being processed foods and particularly highly processed foods… are going to be an assault on the cells. And, of course, things like alcohol are as well.

But also, it’s not just about the foods and what we eat and what we drink, it’s a wider toxic environment, so… I’m going to give you an example here. This is something that I use because I was concerned about the aluminium in deodorants …not to mention the fact that they block the pores up. So I got myself some aluminium free deodorants – there’s one called Pit Rock there’s a roll on there, and this is just a spray. But unlike conventional sprays you don’t choke on it the moment you just spray it around the room – you know, that kind of effect that you get. But more particularly it’s kind on the body and my body was certainly delighted when I started using that product. And that applies also across things like toothpaste; are you aware of what toxic metals are in conventional processed toothpaste that we use? What about the metals in the shower water that we’re showering in, the drinking water that we’re drinking?

Then you’ve got pollution in the environment, of course, we’re breathing polluted air from car fumes and all those kind of things. So it’s basically, as I see it, as a numbers game for the cells, and so this is why we need to move beyond the Neoliberal, the conventional society which just produces these products and doesn’t really care too much what effect they have on people as long as it creates a profit for the shareholders, and start to proactively become aware of what we actually imposing upon our bodies.

And we’ve seen recently the case with Johnson & Johnson, the unfortunate ladies who saw a link between their ovarian cancer and the asbestos in the talcum powder that they were using. So unfortunately if we want to avoid these kind of consequences we have to be proactive to find out what’s out there and what’s going on.

Life Coaching Tip: Will One in Two of Us Get Cancer?

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

In this life coaching tip video, Kissing Consciousness founder, James Blacker, suggests that the claim that “one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetimes” is actually a mere prediction based on what would happen if we – i.e. the human race – do nothing to respond to the fact that our current behaviour is self-destructive.

Transcript: Life Coaching Tip: Will One in Two of Us Get Cancer?

Hi everyone, James Blacker here, Founder of Kissing Consciousness with a life coaching tip for today – quite a heavy topic you may have seen recently a TV advert statistic coming out saying that in in our lifetimes one in two of us will get cancer.

What do they really mean by that? They actually don’t mean that one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetimes. What they really mean is that if we take the statistics of what’s happened up until now and we continue doing the same things and we project them forwards and assuming that nothing else changes, then based on what’s happened in the past what will happen in the future is that one in two of us will get cancer.

Now that’s basically you and your partner isn’t it, let’s think of it that way, one in two people. Is it acceptable to you that you get cancer? Of course it’s not. Is it acceptable to you that in order to avoid you getting cancer your partner gets it? Of course it isn’t. So that leaves one option; and that is that we change whatever it is that we’re doing that’s causing such high degrees of cancer, and the same goes for heart disease as well. You’ve seen these things; one in two die of heart disease, one in three die of cancer, and different stats for the United Kingdom and the United States and they change over time. A decade ago they would be slightly different, but that’s basically the ballpark.

But that statistic that one in two will get cancer in our lifetime; that presumes that human beings have no capacity whatsoever to recognize a self-destructive behavior and change it. But of course that’s what we have to do. If we want to avoid these horrible statistics we have to buy out of the conventional systems and ways of living that we’re currently doing and find what it is that we need to be doing differently, and do that.

So i’m not going to go into all the details of the specifics of various things, but that’s the the overall message of today, is that we need to start finding out what they are. Anything that’s conventional is going to get conventional results, so we have to look at what’s different to that and that will certainly mean that we start listening to our bodies, but it’s also going to be looking at the fact that for the last 40 years we’ve been living with a global economic model which is literally sociopathic by design.

Neoliberal economics has been designed so that the only thing that matters is shareholder, bottom line return on investment, so employees don’t matter, consumers don’t matter, standards don’t matter, all these kind of things. So the first thing is to understand that that’s the world that we live in. Then we have to opt out of that to the degree to which it’s causing these this horrible health diseases – the kind of statistics that we’re talking about – if we want to have something different happen over the course of our lifetimes.

Dating Coach Tips: Offer Your True Self

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021

“I Can’t Fall in Love with Your False Self!”

This dating coach tip comes from my book, ‘Kissing Consciousness: Inviting in a World Beyond Self-Judgement‘.

Whether we show up to a date as ‘smooth as silk’ or ‘clunky and tripping over our tongue’, we can always have a chance of making a connection as long as we at least show up sincerely and don’t intentionally try to put on an act or wear a ‘mask’, metaphorically speaking.

People may often be tempted to put on a fake persona that they feel may make them more attractive or more acceptable, but this actually makes it impossible for the person sitting opposite from you to be able to connect with you – because you’re not presenting you, you’re not offering them you – you’re offering them a false persona – someone who doesn’t exist. This is a key dating coach tip.

For example, if you have nerves and you relate that openly and honestly to the person you’re dating, at least that’s authentic and you’re communicating from Love Consciousness (your True Self). And in any case, maybe your nerves are really excitement in disguise!!

Are you trying to date or court someone from your Being, or from your self-judgement? Doing so from your self-judgement is the False Self. Whilst Conscious people might have every compassion for you, and won’t judge you for the fact that you’ve been conditioned through negative life experiences to hide your True Self, the False Self is not something that someone even has the chance to connect with.

People can’t authentically fall in love with your Fear Consciousness because it’s a False Self, and so it’s not real. For the other person it’s like being invited to shake hands with a ghost.

Your True Self is Honest About Where You Are Now

Now this doesn’t mean that we have to have healed all of our baggage, all our Fear Consciousness, before we can date or have a relationship. It just means we relate honestly where we are with that.

Indeed, in a Conscious Relationship, both parties will typically recognise the importance of doing ‘Shadow Work’ and will often both have more they wish to address, and so it can be seen as a (shared) work in progress or journey.

Whenever we want to return to our True Self and provide the other person with an authentic version of us they can interact with, we can do our usual thing and release our self-judgements. We can remember The Paradox of Love Consciousness: By having no resistance to being triggered into our False Self we begin the return to being our True Self.

Everywhere where you’ve tried to court and date people from your self-judgement, would you like to let that go?

And would you like to ask your body if it would like to let that go?


Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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