Let’s say you’re avoiding facing a feeling, because it’s scary, because it’s uncomfortable, because you sense it will hurt. But then later you face it, and you realise that that makes you feel more in control of managing the pain of the feeling.
Perhaps it’s less uncomfortable to feel in control of facing it than to have the sense that you don’t know when you might have to feel something. And so there then develops the tendency to proactively pursue the activity of facing feelings and letting go – but Unconsciously motivated by Fear Consciousness. It becomes something we feel we can ‘control’! But that desire to control is caused by avoiding feeling something (ironically, another Elusive Emotion). We have inadvertently gotten attached to ‘facing our fears’ because it feels ‘safe’.
This is an attempt at Proactive Processing, but motivated from Fear Consciousness. Kissing Consciousness calls this ‘Inverted Avoidance’.