Contentment and Self-Contentment

‘Happiness as Contentment’ – and self-contentment – is simply another perspective on the quality of Love Consciousness.

The commercial world distracts, even dehumanises us from this because it wants to sell us ‘things’, and therefore seeks to manipulate us into a state of artificial discontent. (We’ll address the systemic causes of discontent in Volume II of The Kissing Consciousness Handbook.)

Incidentally, I would suggest that the more self-judgements a person has, the more likely they are to initially resist the notion that Contentment can provide them with any Happiness, because they are quite a way away from seeing – experiencing – that it would actually feel good or be fulfilling to them.

Of course, in the case of our ‘No’ Permissions, discontent is actually appropriate, and is the thing that wakes us up to the opportunity to release a self-judgement.

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Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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