You’re Perfect!

“We are perfect. That was the best bit.” – A Participant of the Wisdom Course, 2013

You’re perfect. In actual fact, you transcend the very notion of being either perfect or not perfect. There’s no basis for any definition of what could conceivably make a human being ‘perfect’ or ‘not perfect’. The only thing that could even make it seem that way is the phenomenon of self-judgement.

So rather than being either perfect or not perfect, what you are is free: Free from any sense of – and any reality of – imperfection … and perfectly wonderful just as you are.

So this is a part of happiness, to realise that the very notion of whether people are ‘perfect’ or not is utter nonsense. There’s nothing you have to measure up to. Anyone who tells you otherwise is abusing you. We’ll come to what Kissing Consciousness calls ‘Control and Abuse Consciousness’ later.

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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