
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” – Alexander den Heijer

“How dare a footballer have depression? If he has that kind of money he’s got no reason to be depressed.” It doesn’t work that way. As we’ve seen, Consciousness is primary and it’s not about what you have.

Blimey, who wouldn’t be depressed?! After being brought up by a society that’s based on self-judgement, one arrives at adulthood to find that the tax money we pay disappears down some black hole into a world economy that doesn’t even adhere to the basic principles of accountancy, and bombs innocent children in far away countries that it wishes to control, economically and politically – in the name of freedom.

Even if humanity is starting to envision an age where love can come shining through, the place it has come from has been anything but that, and it is still very much a work in progress.

I see depression as primarily being about the environment in which human beings are expected to live, and the things we are required to tolerate. In that sense, depression is actually appropriate – a natural way for a human psyche to respond to inhumane life conditions and a dysfunctional society. It’s a survival response.

All Fear Consciousness is repression, and that isn’t much different to depression. Without saying that releasing self-judgement is going to cure all depression – which would be irresponsible – I would still suggest it’s a pretty good place to start and see where it takes us.

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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