Can a Dating Coach Save You Time and Money?

People like to take a romantic view of relationships, but if we pause that for a moment and look at the cold, hard facts, we can see that a Dating Coach can conceivably help you save a great deal of time and money.

Apart from the happiness a relationship can bring, it also brings shared bills! If you are two people sharing rent or mortgage, plus all other household bills, that might easily be saving you £5,000 to £10,000 per year. So the difference between taking one year to find a partner and taking three years to find a partner might be £10,000 to £20,000. If a relationship is the difference between needing to rent and being able to buy, it could be much more.

Then consider what cost a failed relationship is in years (and heartache – and lost youth opportunity). Choose an unsuitable relationship and it could cost you ten years! In addition to the time the relationship itself takes, there is also the time of the recovery period afterwards. You probably don’t want to go five years and then find you have irreconcilable differences as to whether you want children.

Compared to all that, £1,000 invested in knowing yourself, and what you want in a relationship, and in skills to assess other people’s suitability for the part could be considered a snip.

So all in all, a lot of valuable time – the years of our lives – and money is tied up in making good relationship decisions and related skills. The key is to find your own personal balance between discernment and speed, according to what is most important to you. Some people will naturally be more discerning than others.

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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