Let’s look at an example of how a self-judgement may be created, and how it also exists in the body.
Imagine a child sharing his or her dreams with their parents or grandparents, including what they want to do when they grow up. In the middle of a series of well-received statements, the child makes one comment which isn’t at all well-received. Maybe the adult is triggered by what the child has said, or has a judgement around that issue – and they let it be known, forcefully chastising the child for that view.
The child, shocked, learns that it is not safe for them to be a person who has that desire or opinion, and so it is repressed – buried in the Unconscious part of the mind.
From that moment on the child, without realising it, has to pretend to not have that desire, and thus the False Self is created. The child now (Unconsciously) holds a self-judgement about that desire. Confidence becomes lack of Confidence because it’s not safe for the child to confide in themselves as to their true desire, and all other qualities in the Love Consciousness column around this issue also become Fear Consciousness qualities.
This is all about survival and safety: It’s safer to become false than to be defiantly true and risk an even stronger attack. As the true opinion is denied, a false opinion inevitably takes its place.
Furthermore, at the moment of repression the nervous system of the child’s body also has a reaction, and the self-judgement that is created gets stored in the flesh, so to speak, in the nervous system of the child. The child will even carry themselves differently, albeit imperceptibly to the untrained eye.