Love Consciousness Swipe Left | Fear Consciousness |
You’re Allowed | You’re Not Allowed |
You may know that every computer file has ‘permissions’. If you right-click on any file and choose something like ‘Properties’, you’ll see attributes like ‘Read’ and ‘Write’, which have check boxes that are either ticked or unticked. File permissions determine what you’re allowed to do with the file.
Just like a computer file has file permissions, you also have ‘Permissions’ settings – to do with EVERYTHING, from money to love to health and body, right down to whether or not you’re allowed to squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle. In every case, you have a ‘Human File Permission’ set to either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Kissing Consciousness calls these (your) ‘Human File Permissions’, or ‘Permissions’ for short.
Permissions set to ‘Yes’ don’t require your attention at all. They manifest when the opportunity for them arises and you choose them.
Your Permissions are set to ‘No’ where you aren’t allowed to honour something that’s true about you because of Unconscious self-judgements. All self-judgements are non-permissions, ‘No’ Permissions.
Every single aspect of your Consciousness is set to either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Where we have Permissions set to ‘No’ we may wish to release the selfjudgements around them so that they become a ‘Yes’. Once we release the self-judgement that caused a ‘No’ Permission it becomes a ‘Yes’ automatically, we don’t have to do anything else.
No matter what you do, a ‘No’ Permission will always prevent achievement of any goal.
So all we have to do to achieve something we want – and that’s possible for us – is to slide the ‘No’ Permissions over to the ‘Yes’ column by releasing the false self-judgements. The rest happens automatically.