Lifestyle Reclaims

“Love is the only lifestyle that isn’t a dead end.” – James Blacker

We can Reclaim all unfulfilled aspects of our desires for lifestyle, covering such things as Ease, more free time, freedom from social approval, even being cool or smooth (it doesn’t have to be a dirty word!).

We can ask our Subconscious for more life in our life. We can ask for less drudgery, in fact we can ask for zero drudgery. We have infinite opportunity for the Ease we can ask for in our lives.

Maybe you’d like to Reclaim your capacity for a lifestyle without procrastination … or to stop judging yourself for procrastinating and just enjoy it. What Awareness might you have underneath the self-judgements of procrastination?

And we can certainly ask for any of our own individuality back that we may have mislaid along the way. Maybe you have a party animal side you’ve never been allowed to honour.

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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