Mental Health

Word on the street is that one in four of the population (25% of us) has had mental health issues.

My own sense is that it’s between three in four (75%) or almost four in four (99% of us), so the good news might be that we’re all in it together. In fact, checking the official statistic, “1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year”, which tallies more with my instinct.

Given that most countries’ citizens see more trauma than the UK’s, we could say we have a traumatised world system that makes mental health issues likely and predictable.

Very rarely do I meet people whom I can sense are totally together. In fact, at a recent business event I attended, no one else in a roomful of 20 people said they considered themselves to have wellbeing – and this was a group of social leaders and entrepreneurs, headteachers and other professionals with very long, distinguished careers in various fields.

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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