
As we’ve seen, we’re all of us immune to the very notion of imperfection, so the same principle also applies to our inherent worth.

If we take self-worth as read for all human beings as default, then we as a society may avoid the unhealthy temptation to try to prop up our authentic and inherent self-worth with false notions of feeling superior to others, which actually just cause us further problems because it is merely papering over the cracks.

Whether we have worth and whether we feel we have worth are different things, of course, so again as we release our self-judgements we’ll start to see the real picture.

“To think that there is anything in the entire Universe that is more worthy than you is to lack self-esteem.” – James Blacker

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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