Pornography and Erectile Function

“You probably want to know why any porn-loving guy in his right mind would give it up? Two words: Erectile dysfunction. Internet porn is killing young men’s sexual performance.” – Gary Wilson

Whilst potential causes of erectile dysfunction are varied and mostly well-known, many people are not aware of the new and extreme threat that internet pornography is.

Stating numbed pleasure response, how opposite it is to actual sex, and the fact that constant novelty at a click can cause addiction, TEDx presenter, Gary Wilson, shares that internet porn is assessed to be far more compelling and destructive than previous versions of pornography.

According to Wilson, whilst it takes older men 2 months of abstention to recover from porn-induced erectile dysfunction, it takes younger guys 4 – 5 months to recover. The reason? Even though older guys had been using porn longer, they didn’t start on today’s internet porn, whereas today’s young teens start on high-speed internet connections when their brains are most vulnerable to addiction. As Wilson explains, “Widespread, youthful erectile dysfunction has never been seen before.”

“This movement, to unhook from porn, is growing rapidly. In fact, groups are springing up all across the web, and in Europe, too.” – Gary Wilson

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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