This is what we do when people try to dump blame or criticism for their triggers onto us, and we’re not having any of that.
The phrase “not my circus, not my monkeys” comes to mind; we don’t need to get involved in other people’s Shadow Baggage.
The act of declining itself could also be either Conscious or Unconscious.
An Unconscious Reaction might be as rude as “Get lost!”, whereas a more respectful, helpful response might be to point out what is happening, and who is responsible for the person’s Reaction to the trigger.
If you become a Kissing Consciousness Facilitator, a test of your sharpness if someone tries to Trigger Dump on you might be whether you then invite them to have you facilitate them around it when you decline the blame for triggering them. That might sound like this:
Trigger Dumping: “Hey, you did this, and it made me feel uncomfortable!”
Declining Trigger Dumping: (politely) “What are you telling me for?! Do you need my help in letting go of whatever self-judgements caused you to React Unconsciously?”