The Keys to Happiness
David Heard and James Blacker
Format: MP3
Running Time: 1 hr 49 mins
Price: £14.00
David Heard and James Blacker
Format: MP3
Running Time: 1 hr 49 mins
Price: £14.00
I love this interview; the classic interview from 2004 on Happiness. When David Heard and I had our preparatory pre-record discussion prior to making the recording, outside at a cafe in Hampstead, there were people listening in from other tables and gathering round, such was the passion and authenticity with which David was discussing the topics involved.
This essential ‘Call to Self’ cuts through the nonsense and self-defeating approval seeking that modern life has been caught up in.
By being true to ourselves we can make choices that fulfill our heart’s desire and honour our potential; not the potential that someone else deems we ‘should’ pursue, but our own intrinsic, internal sense of what’s important to us.
Although this product is an MP3 Download, it was originally sold as a two disc CD product. The individual tracks that you will download as MP3s are as follows:-
David Heard is a self-made businessman, a trainer of elite, international athletes, Founder of the former National Rehabilitation Centre for the Paralysed and Founder and Chief Executive of the British registered charity, Sportability, which provides adventurous activities for people who’s lives have been affected by paralysis.
David’s philosophy has always been to maximize whatever it is that people have, whether working with elite sportspeople on their performance, helping everyday individuals with their lives and happiness and success goals, or working with people affected by paralysis to regain function. His testimonials include those from Scottish International footballer, Pat Nevin, and former England Cricket Captain, Andrew Strauss.
“June is when the hard work put in during the Winter really starts counting. Fortunately our fitness trainers have done a fantastic job in the off season (I can vouch for that now!), and we are still playing consistently.” – Andy Strauss, as Captain Middlesex CCC
James Blacker is a humanitarian and Integral Philosopher, and of course the Founder of Kissing Consciousness, and author of The Kissing Consciousness Handbook. He launched the Kissing Consciousness movement to help as many people as possible to work together, commune and co-support in releasing the blocks to their true self, and thus live their happiest and most fulfilled life possible.
In the realm of collective development and social and global issues, James is using his qualification in Spiral Dynamics to provide leadership and help co-create a world beyond system failure, so as to avoid – or mitigate – climate disaster, economic injustice and our other existential threats.
“Wow, what a wonderful book you’ve written. I’m truly impressed with the clarity and quality you’ve presented. You’re impacting the lives of an untold number of people. I applaud you!” – Peter Ragnar