Proactive Processing

Processing can actually be proactive in two different senses:

  1. You don’t need a Facilitator or event host to do processing.
  2. An issue doesn’t need to have arisen. You don’t even need to have any knowledge of an issue in order to process it.

The difference between those personal development approaches which use what we might call  ‘Consciousness Tools’  (questions/invitations to invite people to let things go) and those which don’t, is perhaps most easily observed during the lunch breaks and tea breaks of their workshops and events … when people are standing around in the corridor chatting.

In those groups which use Consciousness Tools, even during a break, a workshop participant mentioning an issue they have might be met by an invitation to let that go by a fellow participant – or perhaps they would just say the same to themselves.

In groups which don’t use Consciousness Tools, however, such an observation is often met with the suggestion: “Maybe the event host can help you with that when we resume the next session.”  The sense there is that nothing can be done without an event host to lead, and that participants are powerless until then.

It’s the old saying about “Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day, teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.”

‘Mining for Gold’

What I really mean by ‘Proactive Processing’ is expressed in the second point above, what we might call  ‘Mining for Gold’.

You might have no sense whatsoever of any self-judgements you have around money, or your body, or love, or sex, or other people, but once you get a sense of how life works in terms of these energies, how so much of society is based on repression and judgement, you might just decide to clear loads of stuff ‘on the off-chance that it is there’, which it probably is.

So just for  ‘fun’  I might choose to clear “Any self-judgements I’ve picked up about money”, “Any self-judgements I’ve Unconsciously taken on board as a result of the way sex is a taboo in our society”, etc.

I might even just clear a ‘heavy’ energy: “Would I let go of any heaviness I’m holding onto in my body around self-expression?”

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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