The Inner Critic is The Inner Servant Misinterpreted

The Inner Critic doesn’t exist – and we shall realise this if we interpret ‘neutral information’ as exactly that: neutral.

It’s our Unconscious habits and conditioned self-judgements that cause us to interpret neutral information as critical, self-criticising, or unfriendly, self-denying, self-sabotaging or even hostile.

This is understandable, but a trap we can empower ourselves to avoid.

So whilst The Inner Critic doesn’t exist, we might say that the ‘Self-Criticising Interpreter ’ does, whenever we are in a state of self-judgement.

It’s just a habit of how we interpret our thoughts, but for most people, probably a pretty ingrained one.

Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


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